Musings on Life and Art...

Life's a funny old thing isn't it?

I used to have so much spare time that I was filled with guilt about how to productively fill it and justify my days!

I'm referring to my time in Zambia, when I used to refer to myself as a 'Zambian Housewife'...
Yes indeed, for that was what I was, although I was also, shamefully, a complete lady of leisure...

When you move to another country to be with your husband, it can sometimes take quite some adapting, and for me, that was so true in the case of Zambia. Suddenly I didn't need to work and could fill my days as my heart desired...

But what a beautiful country to call home! We had such a happy life there and, although I was not permitted to work due to my visa, I did find ways to keep myself busy.

When you have a love of art, craft, cooking, writing and reading, you will never be bored, that's for sure. Card making was a regular hobby and there cannot be a friend or family member out there who didn't, at some time or another, receive a handmade card from me!

A book shop on one of my cards - quelle surprise!

Our house also required a fair amount of refurbishment over the years and so that helped keep me out of trouble too.

And let's not forget three cats and three dogs - the most wonderful and enjoyable time fillers one could ever have!

And so, I found that if I worked hard and kept busy each morning, I could 'reward' myself with a long read of my book in the afternoon. It was a trade-off, and one which helped me avoid feeling too guilty when I sat down with said book!

During this time (thirteen years, in fact) I toyed with writing on and off. I would write a chapter here, a chapter there, beginning projects and then putting them aside for 'another day'.

How funny that, a few years later, and now that my life is infinitely busier than it was in those days, running a guest house and all, I am finally writing!

Of course, we all know the old saying, 'If you want something done, ask a busy person', and I guess I've proved that quote to myself well and truly by finally taking up my writing in a committed manner.

I find myself looking forward to my time at my computer, and a sense of 'something missing' when I don't manage to fit it in due to other commitments.

Because I write in a variety of different genres I use a pen name, in addition to my own name. I've now published three books under my pen name and am so pleased to have finally fulfilled my promise to publish my children's book under my own name.

Next up is a 'grown-up book' under my own name and I hope I manage to find enough time to get busy with it as our season begins to get busier, here in the Cape.

For now, it's back to guest house duties...

And a book on one of my cards - quelle surprise again!
