Come into my Library...

... and see what's on my shelves...

All book lovers can confess to the same guilty secret... We love to see what's on other people's book shelves...

Hands up! Who watches a movie and crooks their neck trying to see the titles of books on the shelves in the room? Forget what's happening for a moment, who cares if there's a dead body lying on the rug, or a fight being acted out between two characters? Who cares what the guy with the gun is up to as he creeps through the study (well, as long as no animals are in danger, of course)? We want to check out the books!

It's the same with magazines isn't it? A beautiful photo shoot of a designer home? Most people would be admiring the beautiful couch, the scatter cushions, perhaps the coffee table made from an old door from Zanzibar. But not us book lovers. Oh no. We want to see the titles of those books piled on the coffee table, or on the shelf behind the couch.

Once a book lover, always a book lover. It's an addiction that we can't kick. Ever. No longer can we visit friends without trying to surreptitiously check out their reading choices.

And if we visit a house with no sign of books? Seriously? What is wrong with those people? Where are the books! Show us your books!

And so, for the fun of it, and to feed the addiction of those who, like me, love nothing more than to see what's on someone else's book shelves, here is my library.

We don't have a lot of space, my shelves are rather full already, and books are creeping onto other shelves, and anywhere they can rest comfortably... But it's my special place. A place of calm, of serenity, of other worlds, of pleasures awaiting...

It's a gathering of old friends, books I've read once, or twice, maybe three or four times, and books that I hope to read again, when the time is right. It's also home to new friends, whose acquaintances I've not yet made, other than a 'hello, I'm taking you home with me'. They sit between my old friends (in alphabetical order, and genre, of course, is there any other way...?), and wait patiently until the time is right for me to pick them up, smooth their cover, read their back cover again, and decide which one will be my companion for the next few days...

So as not to spoil the fun for my fellow book lovers, I am going to share photos of my shelves, without mentioning any of the authors. Please note that I will not be held responsible for any neck kinks resulting from heads craning to read the titles and authors...

And, because I'm super helpful, and I just know that your neck has taken some strain from all that craning... Here's a video to help you loosen everything up... and NO... do NOT try to look at the books on the shelf behind him...

And, you're welcome!

Feel free to comment, ask questions, or discuss any of my reading choices!

Please also share your suggestions for additions to my library!
